It is widely believed that rosehips should be harvested before frost, because after low temperatures hit, they lose most of their useful substances and vitamins, especially vitamin C. It so happened that in the Autumn of 2021, one row of our first, small so-called “signal” harvest was not collected until late October and remained on the bushes until the spring of 2022.
In December 2021, the air temperature in Voznesensky district of Nikolaev region in general and on the plantation in particular, was between – 3 and – 12 degrees Celsius for about 15 days. In January 2022 before the sampling date (12.01.2022), the temperature also dropped to below zero, i.e. to – 8 degrees Celsius.

The study of “overwintered” rosehips showed unexpected results: the content of vitamin C has dropped from 5100 mg% to 5000 mg%, i.e. virtually remained unchanged, while all other main indicators, by which the properties of rosehips are evaluated, increased: sugar from 860 to 920 mg%, vitamin P from 3200 to 3500 mg%, fat content in the seeds also increased from 17200 to 18500, though slightly decreased in vitamin E from 54 to 49 mg% respectively.

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Probably, we can cautiously assert that the opinion about essential reduction of vitamins and other biologically active substances in the berries of rosehips which have suffered frosting is not confirmed. These indicators do not decrease or decrease within the margin of error of devices, and for some indicators even increase.
In winter 2022-2023 we are definitely going to continue research in this field.
PS: The increase of fats in the seeds of rosehips that have survived the frost by more than 1000 mg% is also worth noting.

Vitamin C is probably the most well-known vitamin familiar to us from our early childhood. Most representatives of terrestrial fauna are able to produce ascorbic acid from glucose in their own bodies. Unfortunately, humans are a rare exception to this rule: we can get this valuable substance only from outside, together with food.

What people believe about lemon

For some reason there is an opinion among people that lemons contain the most vitamin C, but this is not true. The greatest amount of this vitamin is in the fruit of rosehip. A hundred grams of fruit of this plant contains from 650 to 1800 mg of the most famous vitamin – depending on whether it is dried or fresh rosehips (dried contain the most vitamin C), which is quite an impressive amount.

Useful properties of rosehips

Rose hips, like fairy tale dragons, fiercely guard their vitamin treasures. Reference books report that the ascorbic acid content in the fruits of the wild rose (depending on the species of shrub) can reach 2900 mg per 100 grams of raw weight. This is ten times more than in blackcurrants, 50 times more than in lemons, and 100 times more than in apples. Also rosehips contain B vitamins, carotene, vitamins P, K, E, organic acids, pectin, tannins and coloring substances; macro- and microelements.

Rose hips in Ukraine

In Ukraine, rose hips are traditionally harvested in early October. When choosing them in the market or in a store, pay attention to the quality of dried fruits. Unscrupulous manufacturers often “fry” rosehips in stoves at too high a temperature, which leads to a loss of many of its vitamins. So check for burnt parts of the fruit you choose. At the market do not hesitate to crumple and then break the “berry”: it should not stick together in a lump and be damp inside, otherwise instead of a vitamin reserve for the winter you will merely get dust or mold.

How to brew rosehips

Put three tablespoons of crushed dried rose hips into a liter of boiling water and infuse for 24 hours. Strain. To improve the taste, you can add sugar. The drink should be used during the same day, as longer storage will destroy vitamin C in it.

Why can’t we store Vitamin C?

Vitamin C is water-soluble, so it does not accumulate in the body and must be replenished from the outside. Ascorbin does not like high temperatures, light and oxygen. That is why all kinds of cooking destroy most of it, which should be taken into account and you should eat fresh food more often.

Stress relief with vitamin C

Vitamin C affects the synthesis of a number of hormones, including anti-stress, regulates the processes of hematopoiesis and normalizes capillary permeability, is involved in the synthesis of collagen protein, which is necessary for the growth of tissue cells, bones and cartilage of the body, improves the body’s ability to absorb calcium, removes toxins, regulates metabolism. And according to recent data, it also has anti-cancer properties, reduces intoxication in the bodies of alcoholics and drug addicts, and even slows down the aging process.

Rosehips are used to treat colds and infectious diseases, pancreatitis and cholecystitis, constipation and intestinal disorders, to regulate blood pressure and to improve children’s appetite. This is a great phytopreparation for anyone who wants to adjust their metabolism, lose weight and boost immunity.


What you need to know

Dried fruits are used in food supplements, medicines, as well as to make teas, drinks, syrups and jams. Oil used in cosmetology is also made from rosehip. It owes its red-orange color to lycopene and beta-carotene. These are carotenoid pigments that promote eye health and have a positive effect on skin health


Rosehip oil saturates the skin with essential vitamins and microelements, is a strong antioxidant and slows down the general aging process of skin cells. It has a whitening effect, moisturizes well, fights against age spots and freckles. It tones, strengthens and protects the skin from the negative effects of free radicals.

Nyponsoppa is a traditional Swedish dish made from rose hips. It is served as a drink or as a dessert with milk, cream or vanilla ice cream with dried almond cookies and cereal. If the soup is used as a separate meal, then it is usually less fruity and more watery. Sometimes it is eaten together with Swedish breads. It is traditionally used to treat colds because of its high multivitamin content.

To prepare it we will need :

⦁ A tbsp. of potato starch.
⦁ 50 ml sugar
⦁ 100 grams of dried rose hips


Soak the rose hips for a few hours in 0.5 liters of water, then boil until soft in the same water. It will take 20-30 minutes, depending on the thickness of the skin of the fruit. Grind rosehips with a mixer, and then be sure to rub them through a sieve – to remove the prickly seeds. Boil 0.5 liters of water. Dissolve the starch in a little cold water, then, stirring continuously, pour a little into the hot water. After the water starts boiling again, add mashed rosehips and sugar. If necessary, add more sugar. Allow to cool. Serve with a scoop of whipped cream and a few almond cookies or a handful of almond flakes.

By the way, this is a common dessert for the home. But a spoonful of whipped cream, some almond cookies or a handful of almond flakes give it a festive character at once. Rosehips are rich in vitamin C, and the soup is a beautiful red color. A treat for people who live in a cold country where oranges don’t grow.